التجربة عند الأصوليين ومدى اعتبارها في إثبات العلة

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


قسم أصول الفقه, كلية الشريعة والقانون, جامعة الأزهر, طنطا.


إن الأصوليين هم أول من وضع المنهج التجريبيي قبل التجريبيين من المناطقة، والفلاسفة في إثبات القواعد الأصولية خاصةً في معرفتهم العلة التي توصلوا بها إلى استنباط الأحكام الشرعية عن طريق القياس. فالتجربة عندهم من وسائل المعرفة تتركب من الحس، والعقل معًا؛ فيعتبرونها دليلًا على الأحكام الشرعية، لا على سبيل الاستقلال، ويرجعون إليها في الأمور العقلية، والأمور التقديرية التي لا نص فيها سواءً كانت التجربة حسية، أو معنوية، باشرها المجرب بنفسه، أو لم يباشرها، عامة، أو خاصة؛ طالما لم تصادم نصًا شرعيًا، ويتكرر حدوثها الذي هو عمادها في إفادتها اليقين، أو الظن. ويتجلى اعتبار التجربة من وسائل المعرفة عند الأصوليين في أثرها في ثبوت العلة، ودورها في معرفتها عن طريق المسالك العقلية؛ إما بوجود التلازم بين الحكم، وعلته، وإما بتخلفه عنه، وإما بالتلازم في الوجود، والتخلف بين الحكم، وعلته، وإما بالتدرج، والتغير النسبي، والحذف- أي حذف الأوصاف التي لا تصلح للعلية- إلا وصفًا واحدًا صالحًا بعد اختبارها، وإما بالحذف، والتعيين - أي تعيين الوصف الصالح للعلية في نظر الشرع-، وحذف غيره؛ لعدم صلاحيته في نظر الشرع للعلية.
Fundamentalists are the first to devise the empirical method before empiricists from the region, and philosophers in establishing fundamentalist rules, especially in their own knowledge, in which they devise legal judgments by analogy. Experience with them of means of knowledge overlaps with both sense and reason; They consider it evidence of Islamic rulings, not independence, and they refer to it in mental matters and discretionary matters in which it is not stated whether the experience is sensory or moral, whether it is experienced by oneself or not, in general or in particular; As long as they do not clash with a legal text, and happen again, which is their pillar in telling them certainty or belief. Fundamentalists consider experience to be a means of knowledge, as it manifests itself in the fixation of illness and its role in knowledge of it through the mental tract; either by the existence of the incompatibility between the provision and its cause, or by its absence, or by the incompatibility between the existence and failure of the provision and its cause, or by gradual, relative change and deletion - that is, by deleting the descriptions that are not valid for the operation - except one valid after testing it, or by deleting, appointing - that is, determining the description of the operation that is valid in the opinion of the Sharia - and deleting another; because it is not suitable in the eyes of Islam for the operation.

الكلمات الرئيسية

الموضوعات الرئيسية

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Index with Most Important Search References
1.    The Holy Quran.
2.    Elation in the Explanation of Access to Archeology Curriculum to Ibn Al-Sabki, Edition: The Science Textbook, 1416 A.H.
3.    Jurisprudence in the Areas of Sharia Governance Original Applied Study by Belgasem Al-Zubaidi, Edition: The Tequin Center for Studies and Research, 1435 A.H. - 2014.
4.    Seif El-Din El-Amadi, Knowledge Egypt Printing House, 1332 A.H.
5.    Al-Fowl's Guidance for Realizing the Truth from the Archeology of the Shokani, Edition: The Arab Book House, 1419 A.H.
6.    Guidance to Evidence Pieces in the Fundamentals of Belief, Imam of Al-Haramain Al-Jawini, Edition: Khanji Library.
7.    Signals and Alerts to Ibn Sina, with Naseeruddin Tusi's Commentary in the Entourage of the Shirazi Pole, Edition: Eloquent Publishing - Qom - Jerusalem Market, 1235 AH.
8.    Origins of Fiqh to Ibn Mufleh, Edition: The Obaikan Library, first edition, 1420 A.H.-1999.
9.    Informing the Signatories about the Lord of the Worlds Son of Values, Edition: The Science Textbook Publishing House, 1411 AH.
10.  The Philosophy Horizons of Fuad Zakaria, The Hindawi CIC Foundation, No Edition - No Date.
11.  Requiring a Straight Path to Contravene Those in Hell Ibn Taymiyyah, Edition: Dar Alam Al-Kutub, Beirut, Lebanon, 1419 A.H.-1999.
12.  Clarification of the ambiguous meaning of peace to Ahmad Al-Damanouri - Publisher Mustafa Al-Babi Al-Halabi 1342 A.H.
13.  The Ocean in the Origins of Fiqh by Badreddine Al-Zarkshi, edition: Dar Al-Kitbi, 1414 A.H.
14.  The Beginning of Hard Work and the End of Frugal Ibn Rushd, Edition: Dar Al-Hadith - Cairo, 1425 A.H. - 2004.
15.  Proof of the Origins of Islamic Jurisprudence of the Two Holy Mosques Edition: Dar al-Kutub al-Alamiya, 1418 A.H.-1997.
16.  Abbreviation: Ibn al-Hajeb Al-Isfahani, Edition: Dar Al-Madani, 1986.
17.  History of Ibn Khaldoun, Edition: Dar Al-Fikr, Beirut, 1401 A.H.-1981.
18.  Al-Tahrir Foundation of Islamic Jurisprudence Alaa Al-Din Al-Mardawi, Edition: Al-Rashid Library, 2000.
19.  Masterpiece of the Official in a Very Brief Explanation of Abu Zakaria Al-Rahoni, Edition: Research House of Islamic Studies and Revival of Heritage - Dubai, UAE, 1422 - 2002.
20.  Circular Mosque Collection of Zarkshi, Edition: Cordoba Library of Scientific Research and Heritage Revival, 1418 A.H.-1998.
21.  Definitions by Ali Al-Jarjani, Edition: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Alami - Beirut, 1403 AH - 1983 AD.
22.  Report and Analysis by the Son of Amir Haj, Edition: Dar al-Kutub al-Alamiya, 1403 A.H.-1983.
23.  The Refining of the Language of Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn al-Azhari, Edition: The House of the Revival of the Arab Heritage, 2001.
24.  Hujjatollah Al-Dahlawi, Dar Al-Jil, Beirut, Lebanon, 1426 A.H.-2005.
25.  Studies in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy by Dr. Yahya Huwaidi Publisher House of Culture for Publishing and Distribution 2006. No print.
26.  Lessons in the History of Philosophy by Ibrahim Bayoumi Madkour, and Yusuf Effendi Karam - Literary Scholar of Translation and Publishing - 2016 Ed.
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30.  Local Majesty's Explanation of the Collection of Mosques in the Footnote of Perfumes, Edition: Science Textbook.
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35.  Explanation of the revision of the chapters by Shahabuddeen Al-Qarafi, United Technical Printing Company, 1393 AH.
36.  Al-Rawdha's Brief Explanation of Al-Tofi, Edition: The Foundation of Message, 1407 A.H.-1987 A.D.
37.  Healing the Sick in Matters of Justice, Fate, Wisdom, and Reasoning for the Son of Values, The House of Knowledge, 1398 A.H.
38.  Al-Ghaleel's Healing in the Statement of Likeness, Imagination, and Pathways of Reasoning of the Ghazali, Edition: The Guidance Press, 1971.
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44.  Fatwa Collection of Ibn Taymiyyah, Edition: King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Quran.
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46.  Crop Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, Edition: Al-Resala Foundation, 1418 A.H.-1997.
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50.  Al-Mustafa Imam Al-Ghazali, Edition: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Alamiya, 1413 A.H.-1993.
51.  The Draft in the Origins of Jurisprudence of the Al-Taymiyyah, edition: Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi - Beirut.
52.  Standard of Science in the Art of Logic of Gazali, Edition: Dar El Maarif, Egypt, 1961.
53.  Singer in need of knowledge of the meanings of the Syllabus of the Sherbini Speaker, Edition: The Science Textbook, 1415-1994.
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