الآليات الدولية لحماية حقوق الانسان في ظل جائحة كورونا

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


قسم القانون, كلية الدراسات التجارية, الهيئة العامة للتعليم التطبيقى والتدريب, الكويت.


لا شك أن جائحة كورونا قد أربكت المجتمع الدولى نظرا لسرعة انتشاره المرعب واتساع خطورته والذى خلف تداعيات كثيرة شكلت خطرا على الصحة العامة، دفعت العديد من بلدان العالم إلى إعلان حالة الطوارئ باتخاذ بعض الإجراءات الاحترازية الاستثنائية لمواجهة الفيروس والحد من انتشاره، إلا أن العديد من هذه الإجراءات فيها مساس مباشر بالحقوق الفردية شكلت انتهاكات خطيرة عليها، حيث شهدت العديد من مناطق العالم ظهور خطاب الكراهية والعنصرية والتمييز على أساس العرق أو الدين، كما شملت تلك الإجراءات فرض قيود صارمة على حركة التنقل وحرية التعبير ومنع التجمعات في إطار تدابير التباعد الاجتماعى وغيرها من الحقوق الاجتماعية والاقتصادية، وعلى الرغم من أن القانون الدولي لحقوق الإنسان يكفل لكل شخص الحق في أعلى مستوى من الصحة يمكن بلوغه ويلزم الدول بأن تكون القيود المفروضة على حماية الصحة العامة محدودة المدة, ومتناسبة, وتكون ضرورية للغاية بناء على أدلة علمية, ولا يكون تطبيقها تعسفيا ولا تمييزيا, ولفترة محددة, وتحتم كرامة الانسان, وتكون قابلة للمراجعة من أجل تحقيق الهدف المنشود. هذا الأمر أثار جدلًا واسعاً على المستوى الإقليمي والدولي، حول تأثير هذه الإجراءات على حقوق الانسان وحرياته الأساسية التي كفلتها المواثيق الدولية لحقوق الانسان، وعلى المبادئ التي تضمتها الشرعية الدولية لهذه الحقوق, ومدى فاعلية الآليات الدولية في حماية حقوق الانسان وحرياته في ظل جائحة كورونا.
There is no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic has confused the international community due to its rapid and widespread alarming spread, which has many repercussions that posed a threat to public health. Many countries around the world have declared a state of emergency by taking some exceptional precautionary measures to confront the virus and limit its spread, but many of these measures directly impinge on individual rights constituted serious violations, as many regions of the world have witnessed the emergence of hate speech, racism and discrimination based on race or religion. These measures have also included the imposition of strict restrictions on movement, freedom of expression, and the prevention of gatherings in the framework of social distancing measures and other social and economic rights. Although international human rights law guarantees everyone the right to the highest attainable standard of health, and obliges States to limit the restrictions imposed on the protection of public health to be limited in duration, proportionate, and necessary, based on scientific evidence, and not discriminatory, and applicable to achieve a specific period of review, and a specific to achieve the goal of human rights, and a specific and a period of human being subject to a review and a specific to be subject to review and a period of human rights The Sought-Out. This has sparked a wide-ranging debate at the regional and international levels on the impact of these measures on human rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed by international human rights instruments, the principles enshrined in the international legitimacy of these rights, and the effectiveness of international mechanisms in protecting human rights and freedoms in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

الكلمات الرئيسية

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    - Dunja Mijatović (Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights)

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    - Michelle Bachelet ,The Future of Human Rights

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    - United Nations(Development Programmer.: Checklist for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Socio-Economic Country Responses to COVID-19, July 2020.

     - OXFAM DISCUSSION PAPER:COVID-19 AND HUMAN RIGHTS States’ obligations and businesses’ responsibilities in responding to the pandemic. www.oxfam.org

    -  OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: Aide memoire: NHRIs, Human Rights and COVID-19, April 2020.

    - Bull World Health Organization .. 'Immunity certification for COVID-19: ethical considerations- Published online 2020 Dec 1. doi: 10.2471/BLT.20.280701

    - International Journal of Refugee Law: Human Mobility and Human Rights in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Principles of Protection for Migrants, Refugees, and Other Displaced Persons, Volume 32, Issue 3, October 2020, Pages 549-558, https://doi.org/10.1093/ijrl/eeaa028.

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    1. Dunja Mijatović (Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights)
    2. Covid-19 and Human Rights - Lessons learned from the pandemic ,Vienna, 10 December 2020.
    3. the European Union’s , international commission of jurists, The impact of COVID-19 related measures on human rights of migrants and refugees in the EU ,Briefing paper ,June 2020.
    4. United Nations COVID-19 and Human Rights We are all in this together ,APRIL 2020.
    5. Inter-American commission on human rights ,Human Rights of Persons with COVID-19, RESOLUTION No 4/2020, Resolution No. 4/2020 HUMAN RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH COVID-19, July 27, 2020.
    6. Human Rights Watch; Human Rights Dimensions of COVID-19 Response, MARCH 19, 2020.
    7. Michelle Bachelet ,The Future of Human Rights
    8. State of the world's human rights after COVID-19, October 2020.
    9. https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=26445&LangID=E.
    10. United Nations(Development Programmer.: Checklist for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Socio-Economic Country Responses to COVID-19, July 2020.
    11. OXFAM DISCUSSION PAPER:COVID-19 AND HUMAN RIGHTS States’ obligations and businesses’ responsibilities in responding to the pandemic. www.oxfam.org
    12. OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS: Aide memoire: NHRIs, Human Rights and COVID-19, April 2020.
    13. Bull World Health Organization .. 'Immunity certification for COVID-19: ethical considerations- Published online 2020 Dec 1. doi: 10.2471/BLT.20.280701
    14. International Journal of Refugee Law: Human Mobility and Human Rights in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Principles of Protection for Migrants, Refugees, and Other Displaced Persons, Volume 32, Issue 3, October 2020, Pages 549-558, https://doi.org/10.1093/ijrl/eeaa028.
    15. Racial Discrimination and the Protection of Minorities in the COVID-19 Crisis Statement by the United Nations Network on Racial Discrimination and the Protection of Minorities April 2020.
    16. Inter-Agency Working Group on Violence against Children, Agenda for Action.